TRACAM® High Definition (HD)
For those who are new to the product, Tracam® is a High Definition Drone, limited by a rail on which it is mounted but can operate 24/7.
Lextar (Pty Ltd) designs, manufactures and distributes Tracam®. Tracam® is the product brand and EziTRAC-HD is the first High Definition Tracam® product.
EziTRAC-HD delivers a Hybrid HD solution, offering a zero latency video feed and a HDIP video feed. The end-user may also opt for a Low latency HDSDI configuration. EziTRAC-HD answers the demands of the current market but beyond that it is the perfect match for Lextar’s future Tracam® platforms. The transition to future platform can be made with confidence having already proven the HD video solutions.
Tracam’s Video Transport Units (VTUs) are designed to carry variable payloads and it is this ongoing design strategy that will allow considerably greater product variations. These variation may including thermal cameras, WiFi and /or a Proprietary IP connectivity (eliminating WiFi congestion) . The market will drive these configuration variations.
Tracam’s High Definition HDIP and HDSDI capability is expected to open opportunities beyond the traditional Retail , Distribution and Logistics markets. Lextar foresees applications in professional studies, high level security such as defense and broadcast for indoor or stadium sports.
The future is clear with TRACAM HD.